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What Is Your Belief?

A Non Believer


A Part Believer

(Fence Sitter)

A Full Believer

(An Achiever)

This first section covers your own choices (the ones you made whilst you were in spirit), and the information given to you pre -birth.

You chose to come and live a life on Earth to develop your knowledge

You chose what development challenges you will face.

Although God created you and a framework for you, you don't believe that you will need help.

A full support team of Angels and Spirit are on standby to help, but you can do without them!

You chose to come and live a life on Earth to develop your knowledge

You chose what development challenges you will face.

God created you, and a framework for you to be able to achieve more in you life

The support team of Angels, Guides and Elementals prepare to help you on your Earth life path.

You chose to come and live a life on Earth to develop your knowledge

You chose what development challenges you will face.

God created you, and a framework for you to be able to achieve more in you life

The support team of Angels, Guides and Elementals prepare to help you on your Earth life path.

Your early life on Earth as a baby, into childhood.

Your early development was from soul learning as your senses and instincts grew.

Your early development was from soul learning as your senses and instincts grew.

Your early development was from soul learning as your senses and instincts grew.

These sections show the changes in your belief, maybe caused by over emphasis on conscious thought, coupled with the rejection of your instincts.


Listening to your instincts, against the opinions of others, is essential for you to be able to format a life that is yours - and not someone else's ideal.


The choice of Sceptic, Fence Sitter or Full Believer should be yours.


Use your God Given instincts to make is so!

You began by developing your brain power, and started doubting your soul’s instinctive choices. So instead went with your second thoughts…which come from your brain and limit your choices

You began by developing your brain power, but also  listened to your soul’s instinctive choices, although you don’t always believe enough in your power. You pray, but not really for yourself.

You began by developing your brain power, but also  listened to your soul’s instinctive choices, although you don’t always believe enough in your power. You pray, but not really for yourself.

You began by developing your brain power, but also  listened to your soul’s instinctive choices. They feel right so you now go where they take you. You talk to God and ask for the guidance to overcome problems and achieve goals

Influences around you began you doubting anything you couldn’t prove. God became the first casualty, even although God still empowers you, but you’ve lose your focus on true development so you are less able to overcome issues.

Your faith was strong enough that you continued to believe, but you didn’t understand why God didn’t help you at times. Did He lack the Power, or was He punishing you? Life struggled on and you committed to it with a lowered expectation.

You don’t doubt God and each day your chats with Him become more searching. You feel more able to achieve, and your challenges are more exciting. You’re developing more ambition and know God’s team is there supporting you

Your life is ruled by reason. If there is no obvious reason - then no action.
Life becomes less fulfilling and more materialistic as you are persuaded to follow the actions and route of other’s value. It is no longer YOUR life.

You see some others who are fulfilled by life, and admire those who have followed a path of achieving.

You feel okay, and you trust in God, but don’t think you should rely on Him too much. You are still waiting for the magic to appear. 

For you, each day opens up as an adventure. You don’t doubt God’s part in it. You feel inspired and share it. You help others, You are forgiving, loving and you know within you are fulfilling your role in life.
You live the magic


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